Day of Service: Franklin Park Beautification 

Saturday June 18, 2016 - 10 AM to 1 PM

Join us as the Harvard Law School Alumni Association of Massachusetts partners with the Franklin Park Coalition for a day of service to beautify Franklin Park! Work may include clearing invasive plants and planting new flowers and underbrush.  Tools will be provided but participants should plan to bring their own water and sunscreen.  This is a great opportunity to improve one of the jewels in Boston’s Emerald Necklace.  Family members are welcome, though space is limited.

If you have any questions about the event, please feel free to contact Michael Sugar:

RSVP Today!

RSVP Today!


10:00AM - 1:00PM Sat 18 Jun 2016, Eastern timezone


Franklin Park - Valley Gates Parking Lot
Circuit Drive Glen Lane
Boston, MA 02121 USA

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