AI and the Practice of Law: Current Issues and Future Implications
4:30PM Thu 27 Feb 2025, Eastern timezone
Boston-Area Shabbat Dinner for HLS Alumni
6:30PM Fri 7 Feb 2025, Eastern timezone
HLSA-DC & HLSA-Massachusetts Present: 4th Annual Program on Lawyer Mental and Behavioral Health
12:00PM - 1:15PM Wed 29 Jan 2025, Eastern timezone
A New Year, and a New You! Please join us for the 4th Annual joint program on Mental Health and Wellness presented by the Harvard Law School Association of Washington, D.C. and the Harvard Law School Association of Massachusetts. -
6:00PM - 7:30PM Tue 14 Jan 2025, Eastern timezone
The Trump Administration 2.0 and the U.S. Congress Tuesday, January 14th, 2025 (virtual program) -
A Conversation with Provost John F. Manning AB '82, JD '85
12:00PM Tue 14 Jan 2025, Eastern timezone
Join us for a conversation with Harvard University’s Provost and the Dane Professor of Law at Harvard Law School, John F. Manning AB '82, JD '85 moderated by Harvard Overseer, Raymond J. Lohier AB '88. -
Harvard Law School Hockey Night
7:00PM - 9:00PM Fri 10 Jan 2025, Eastern timezone
HLS Hockey Night is on Friday, January 10th at 7pm! -
HLSA Cooking Class
6:00PM - 9:00PM Thu 5 Dec 2024, Eastern timezone
Please join HLSA of MA for a Cooking Class! -
Diplomatic Dialogues
4:00PM - 5:00PM Mon 2 Dec 2024, Eastern timezone
U.S. International Law and Human Rights in the Context of Diplomacy -
Diplomatic Dialogues
4:00PM - 5:00PM Thu 21 Nov 2024, Eastern timezone
U.S. Diplomacy in the Israel-Palestine Conflict: Lessons from Past Engagements -
Outside the Law: Alternate Career Paths
1:30PM - 2:30PM Tue 19 Nov 2024, Eastern timezone
Diplomatic Dialogues
4:00PM - 5:00PM Tue 12 Nov 2024, Eastern timezone
U.S. Diplomacy in Latin America: Strategic Partnerships and Emerging Challenges -
The Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School is pleased to present: PON Live! Book Talk
12:00PM - 1:00PM Mon 28 Oct 2024, Eastern timezone
A virtual talk with: -
Breaking Insights: Game-Changing U.S. Presidential Race-Groundbreaking Analysis
6:00PM - 8:00PM Mon 21 Oct 2024, Eastern timezone
Sponsored by:The Harvard Kennedy School New England Alumni Association, Harvard Law School Association of Massachusetts, and the Harvard Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy -
HLS Hispanic Alumni Reflections
3:30PM - 5:00PM Wed 9 Oct 2024, Eastern timezone
In honor of National Hispanic Heritage Month, please join us by zoom on October 9th from 3:30-5:00 p.m. Eastern for a lively discussion between HLS Hispanic alumni! -
Join us for A Conversation with President Garber
12:00PM - 1:00PM Thu 12 Sep 2024, Eastern timezone
Join us for a conversation with President Alan M. Garber AB '77, PhD '82 moderated by Sylvia M. Burwell AB '87. -
HLSA Puttshack Outing!
6:00PM - 8:00PM Tue 30 Jul 2024, Eastern timezone
Please join HLSA of MA on July 30th for a Modern Spin on Miniature Golf! -
An Evening with Interim Dean John C.P. Goldberg
6:00PM - 8:00PM Tue 25 Jun 2024, Eastern timezone
Please join the Harvard Law School Association of Massachusetts for an evening with John C.P. Goldberg, HLS Interim Dean and the Carter Professor of General Jurisprudence. -
Immigration- Current Controversies
12:30PM - 1:30PM Wed 12 Jun 2024, Eastern timezone
Join us virtually on June 12 for an all star HLS panel on Immigration - Current Controversies -
HLSA Cooking Class
6:00PM - 10:00PM Mon 8 Apr 2024, Eastern timezone
Please join HLSA of MA for a French Cooking Class! Registration required. -
Tour of the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum
7:00PM - 9:00PM Thu 14 Mar 2024, Eastern timezone
Join the HLSA of Massachusetts on Thursday, March 14 at 7 pm for a private tour. -
A Talk with Ambassadors - Feb. 22
12:30PM - 1:30PM Thu 22 Feb 2024, Eastern timezone
Hosted on HLS campus with Barry White '67 and Andrew Schapiro '90 -
3rd Annual Program on Lawyer Mental and Behavioral Health Issues
12:30PM - 2:00PM Wed 24 Jan 2024, Eastern timezone
Hosted by HLSA of Massachusetts and HLSA of Washington D.C. on 1/24 -
Reproductive Healthcare After Dobbs, Artificial Intelligence, and Psychedelic Medicine
5:00PM - 6:30PM Thu 7 Dec 2023, Eastern timezone
A Discussion with Susanna Baruch -
Development of Election Law in the United States
7:00PM Wed 8 Nov 2023, Eastern timezone
Please join the Harvard Law School Association of Massachusetts on November 8, 2023 at 7 p.m. for a Zoom conversation on the development of election law in the United States with Nicholas Stephanopoulos, Kirkland and Ellis Professor of Law at HLS, -
The Legislative Path to Supreme Court Reform
6:00PM - 8:00PM Wed 25 Oct 2023, Eastern timezone
Police Intimidation of the Press: The Marion, KS Search & Seizure Outrage
7:00PM - 8:00PM Wed 18 Oct 2023, Eastern timezone
Abortion Politics Worldwide and The Future of Gender Equality
12:00PM - 1:20PM Thu 14 Sep 2023, Eastern timezone
HLSA of MA Summer Reception
5:00PM - 7:00PM Tue 27 Jun 2023, Eastern timezone
Please join us for a summer reception to welcome summer associates in Boston. All alumni and students in the area are welcome! -
Fear Not For the Ham Sandwich: What Really Happens in the Grand Jury
12:30PM - 1:30PM Mon 15 May 2023, Eastern timezone
Please join the HLSA for this virtual event! -
Presidential Mishandling
12:30PM Tue 4 Apr 2023, Eastern timezone
Explaining the Classified Documents Investigations and Predicting What's Next -
Modern Legal Culture
FEATURED4:00PM - 5:30PM Thu 9 Mar 2023, Eastern timezone
What Is Big Law Firm Associate Life Really Like These Days? -
New Year and New You: Focus on Lawyer Mental and Behavioral Health and Well Being
12:00PM - 1:30PM Thu 26 Jan 2023, Eastern timezone
Join HLSA of Massachusetts President, Barry B. White ‘67 and HLSA DC Board Member, Timothy R. McTaggart ‘85 as they moderate a jointly sponsored expert panel focused on the critical topic of lawyer mental and behavioral health and overall well being. -
Harvard/Yale Game Tickets & Tailgate
12:00AM - 11:59PM Sat 19 Nov 2022, Eastern timezone
Posted on behalf of the HLS Alumni Center. The HLS alumni tradition of tailgating and attending “The Game” returns this year! Join your peers to cheer on the Crimson as they take on the Yale Bulldogs at Harvard Stadium. Registration required. -
Alumni Happy Hour at Scholars - 11/16/22
6:00PM - 9:00PM Wed 16 Nov 2022, Eastern timezone
Please join us from 6-9 p.m. for an alumni happy hour! -
UKRAINE-RUSSIA CONFLICT and NATO EXPANSION: Geopolitical Challenges with Robert Zoellick '81
1:30PM - 3:00PM Thu 9 Jun 2022, Eastern timezone
Join us for a Virtual Event with Robert Zoellick '81 discuss the current Ukraine-Russia Military Conflict, including geopolitical, world security and international law and diplomacy issues and challenges. -
Virtual Event with Rep. Adam Schiff '85: Midnight in Washington
1:30PM - 3:00PM Wed 18 May 2022, Eastern timezone
Join us for a Virtual Event with Rep. Adam Schiff to discuss current events, and his book: Midnight in Washington: How We Almost Lost Our Democracy and Still Could . -
Ambassadors Roundtable
5:00PM - 6:30PM Tue 15 Mar 2022, Eastern timezone
Join us for an exciting discussion with five former U.S. Ambassadors. Zoom link to be sent upon registration. -
The Charlottesville Case: How to Sue Nazis and Win
5:00PM Wed 23 Feb 2022, Eastern timezone
Postponed to February 23. Join us for the inside scoop from counsel for the plaintiffs in Sines v. Kessler, the lawsuit against the organizers of the racial- and religious-based violence in Charlottesville in August 2017. -
Recommitting to Your Wellness in 2022: A Focus on Lawyer Mental Health and Well-Being
1:00PM - 2:30PM Tue 11 Jan 2022, Eastern timezone
Join us on Zoom for a panel discussion on how to enter the new year healthy and happy. -
Former Governor Deval Patrick '82 speaks on the Future of Tech Commission
5:00PM - 6:00PM Thu 14 Oct 2021, Eastern timezone
Governor Deval Patrick '82, a distinguished HLS alumnus, will speak on the work of the Future of Tech Commission that he currently co-chairs. -
The Degradation of American Democracy-Causes and Cures
5:00PM - 6:00PM Thu 7 Oct 2021, Eastern timezone
Please join the Harvard Law School Association of Massachusetts for a virtual event with Prof. Michael Klarman. -
Conversation on Impeachment & Democracy with Ambassador Norman Eisen '91
5:00PM - 6:00PM Thu 23 Sep 2021, Eastern timezone
Please join the Harvard Law School Association of Massachusetts for a virtual event with Norman Eisen '91. -
HLSA of Massachusetts Summer Mentorship Program
3:00PM Wed 16 Jun 2021 - 11:55PM Mon 5 Jul 2021, Eastern timezone
Current HLS students and new graduates want to meet you! Sign up for the HLSA of Massachusetts' summer mentorship program! Register by July, 5 2021! -
Virtual Meeting With HLS Alumna Michelle Wu
1:00PM - 2:00PM Tue 11 May 2021, Eastern timezone
Please join the Harvard Law School Association of Massachusetts for a conversation with Michelle Wu. -
High Crimes and Misdemeanors: Impeachment 2.0
6:00PM - 7:30PM Thu 8 Apr 2021, Eastern timezone
Join the HLSA of NYC and HLSA of DC for a discussion of the second impeachment trial of the 45th President of the United States. Featuring Barry Berke '89, Rep. Jamie Raskin '87 (D-MD), and Rep. Joaquin Castro '00 (D-TX). -
The Scalia Lecture: The Power of the Court by Stephen G. Breyer
4:00PM Tue 6 Apr 2021, Eastern timezone
Join us for The Scalia Lecture: The Power of the Court by Stephen G. Breyer, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. Introduction by Dean John F. Manning. -
HLS Rappaport Forum: Reform of the Supreme Court?
5:15PM - 6:45PM Wed 24 Mar 2021, Eastern timezone
Moderated by Professor Annette Gordon-Reed. The Harvard Law School Rappaport Forum is designed to promote and model full, vigorous, and civil discourse on critical and complicated issues facing our community, our nation, and our world. -
Covering the Justice Department During Turbulent Times
4:00PM - 5:00PM Tue 23 Mar 2021, Eastern timezone
A Conversation with NY Times Reporter Katie Benner -
General Counsels: A Conversation on Leading in Challenging Times
6:30PM - 8:00PM Thu 11 Mar 2021, Eastern timezone
Join HLSA-DC and fellow HLS alumni for an insightful conversation moderated by Professor David Wilkins with the general counsels of Freddie Mac, Marriott, HP, and Jones Lang Lasalle. -
Busy HLSA Lawyers: From Stress to Success, Strategy for 2021 and Beyond
1:00PM - 3:00PM Wed 13 Jan 2021, Eastern timezone
Hear from Madelaine Claire Weiss, a licensed Psychotherapist and Board-Certified Executive, Career, and Life Coach. -
So You Want to Be a Judge?
2:00PM - 3:30PM Wed 9 Dec 2020, Eastern timezone
Join two Massachusetts Superior Court judges and a member of the Judicial Nominating Commission for a discussion on how lawyers can make the career switch from advocate to jurist, and the selection process for judges in our Commonwealth. -
The Harvard Admissions Case: View of the Litigation from Harvard Counsel's Perspective
4:00PM - 5:00PM Wed 23 Sep 2020, Eastern timezone
Join William F. Lee, lead counsel for Harvard and Senior Fellow of the Harvard Corporation and Felicia Ellsworth, counsel for Harvard for a discussion on the Harvard Admissions Case. Advance registration required. -
HLSA of Northern California Summer Reception with Julián Castro '00
4:30PM - 6:15PM Thu 6 Aug 2020, Pacific timezone
All alumni are welcome to attend the HLSA or Northern California Summer Reception with Julián Castro '00. Advance registration is required. Sponsored by Farella Braun + Martel LLP. -
Biased? Who Me?! A Candid Look at the Problem of Implicit Bias
2:00PM - 3:00PM Wed 29 Jul 2020, Eastern timezone
HLSA of Massachusetts Virtual Mentorship Program
12:00PM Fri 24 Jul 2020 - 12:00AM Fri 31 Jul 2020, Eastern timezone
Current HLS students and new graduates want to meet you! Sign up for the HLSA of Massachusetts' virtual summer mentorship program! Sign up by July 31, 2020! -
COVID-19 Litigation and Related Insurance Issues for U.S. Companies and their Directors and Officers
1:00PM - 2:00PM Thu 16 Jul 2020, Eastern timezone
The New "Business as Usual" in a Post-COVID-19 World
5:00PM - 6:00PM Wed 1 Jul 2020, Eastern timezone
Join the HLSA of New York City for a discussion with Glenn Fogel '88, CEO and President of Booking Holdings on the future of global travel and what a post COVID-19 world might look like. Advance registration required. -
Leading in a Crisis: How to Navigate Successfully to a New Normal
12:00PM - 1:00PM Thu 25 Jun 2020, Eastern timezone
Join Professors David B. Wilkins ‘80 and Scott A. Westfahl ‘88 for a discussion on how COVID-19 is affecting the markets for legal services and legal talent, and best practices in crisis leadership. Advanced registration required. -
HLSI: Legal & Ethical Issues Integral to Coronavirus Responses with Professor I. Glenn Cohen '03
12:00PM - 1:00PM Wed 20 May 2020, Central timezone
Presented by the Harvard Law Society of Illinois. Join Professor I. Glenn Cohen '03 for a discussion of legal and ethical issues involved with the coronavirus responses. Advance registration required. -
Harvard Law School Rappaport Forum: When is Speech Violence? And Other Questions About Campus Speech
11:30AM - 1:00PM Fri 21 Feb 2020, Eastern timezone
Posted on behalf of the HLS Alumni Center You are cordially invited to attend the launch of the Harvard Law School Rappaport Forum and its inaugural event: When is Speech Violence? And Other Questions About Campus Speech -
Panel: Implications of Neuroscience in Juvenile and Young Adult Justice
6:00PM - 8:00PM Wed 12 Feb 2020, Eastern timezone
Join us for a panel discussion featuring Hon. Jay Blitzman and Robert Kinscherff '92 on the implications of neuroscience in juvenile and young adult justice. -
Kennedy School Event: Artificial Intelligence, Human Rights, and Ethics
6:30PM - 8:30PM Wed 2 Oct 2019, Eastern timezone
Join the HKS Alumni Association of New England for the Cocktails and Public Policy series. Purchase tickets on the HKSNE website. -
Upheaval & Innovation in the Legal Marketplace with Michele DeStefano '02
6:00PM - 8:00PM Wed 18 Sep 2019, Eastern timezone
Join us on campus at the Law School for a discussion and reception with Michele DeStefano '02 where she will be discussing the growing intersections between law, business, and legal innovation. -
Mentorship Kick-Off Reception
5:30PM - 7:30PM Mon 24 Jun 2019, Eastern timezone
Join HLS students and alumni for a kick-off celebration! -
Harvard Night @ Fenway
FEATURED7:15PM - 10:00PM Mon 29 Apr 2019, Eastern timezone
We have reserved a block of tickets in Grandstand 31 for HLS Alumni to watch the Red Sox take on the Oakland A's! -
HLS Student-Alum Mentorship Lunches 2019
12:00AM Wed 17 Apr 2019 - 12:00AM Fri 10 May 2019, Eastern timezone
Every summer, we welcome current HLS students and new graduates to the MA legal community through one-on-one and small group mentorship lunches. Discuss common interests and your career in the law over lunch, on your schedule! -
"The Children Act" Screening at the MFA
5:15PM - 10:00PM Wed 10 Apr 2019, Eastern timezone
Join us at the MFA for the 9th Annual Hollywood Scriptures Film Series Showing for a viewing of “The Children Act” (2018), followed by a audience Q&A discussion of legal issues and cinematic merits. Tickets on sale soon! -
Cocktail 374
6:00PM - 7:30PM Mon 10 Dec 2018, Eastern timezone
Join fellow Harvard Law School alumni and other guests at the Harvard Club of Boston (Commonwealth Ave) for the December Cocktail Party. -
The Drug Lab Scandals: Matthew Segal, the ACLU and the Meaning of Justice
5:30PM - 7:30PM Tue 23 Oct 2018, Eastern timezone
Matthew Segal will share his perspective on the ACLU's work to dismiss almost 30,000 drug convictions because of misconduct by two state drug lab chemists, Annie Dookhan and Sonja Farak. -
Harvard Night at Fenway Park
7:00PM - 10:00PM Tue 25 Sep 2018, Eastern timezone
Come join fellow alumni at Fenway Park on Tuesday, September 25th at 7:10 pm to watch the AL East-leading Red Sox take on the Orioles. -
Inside the MLB Alumni Discussion
5:00PM - 7:00PM Tue 25 Sep 2018, Eastern timezone
We are thrilled that David Friedman (SVP/Special Counsel for the Red Sox) and Bryan Seeley (SVP of Major League Baseball) will be joining us to discuss their careers in baseball before the Red Sox vs Orioles Game on September 25. -
Mentorship Kick-Off Reception at Carrie Nation
5:30PM - 7:30PM Wed 6 Jun 2018, Eastern timezone
Over 170 people are participating in the mentorship program this year –– join HLS students and alumni for a kick-off celebration! -
Informal Article Discussion Groups
9:57AM Wed 25 Apr 2018 - 9:57AM Sat 9 Jun 2018, Eastern timezone
Connect with fellow alumni while discussing timely articles! These self-directed groups will meet four times a year. Groups are focused on diversity, healthcare, technology, mindfulness and work-life balance, and dialogue across differences. -
HLS Student-Alum Mentorship Lunches 2018
12:00AM Mon 16 Apr 2018 - 12:00AM Fri 18 May 2018, Eastern timezone
Every summer, we welcome current HLS students and new graduates to the MA legal community through one-on-one and small group mentorship lunches. Discuss common interests and your career in the law over lunch, on your schedule! -
An Evening with Rep. Adam Schiff
FEATURED6:00PM - 8:00PM Mon 9 Apr 2018, Eastern timezone
Join us for an evening with Rep. Adam Schiff, who is the ranking member of the House Select Committee on Intelligence and represents the 28th Congressional District of California. -
Volunteer to judge 1L Ames Moot Court competition alongside fellow HLS alumni
6:00PM Mon 9 Apr 2018 - 9:30PM Thu 12 Apr 2018, Eastern timezone
Join us for this annual tradition! -
Tsarnaev trial discussion with William Weinreb '89
5:30PM - 7:00PM Wed 24 Jan 2018, Eastern timezone
You’re invited to join HLSA of MA for an evening with Counselor to the U.S. Attorney and former Acting U.S. Attorney William Weinreb, who was the lead prosecutor in the Dzhokhar Tsarnaev trial and will discuss that historic case. -
Populist Plutocrats: Lessons from Around the World
9:00AM - 5:00PM Sat 23 Sep 2017, Eastern timezone
This one-day conference, co-sponsored by Harvard Law School and the Stigler Center, will focus on an important and dangerous political phenomenon: the “populist plutocrat.” -
HLS in the Arts
3:00PM Fri 15 Sep 2017 - 8:00PM Sat 16 Sep 2017, Eastern timezone
A Bicentennial Festival - Two days of programs, performances, and exhibits celebrating the dazzling creativity of the HLS community. -
September Happy Hour at Scholars
5:30PM Thu 15 Jun 2017, Eastern timezone
Boston-area alumni and students are gathering for a fun evening of networking. Come join us! -
Voting Rights Talk
5:30PM - 7:30PM Wed 7 Jun 2017, Eastern timezone
Join us for a reception with Duke alumni and special guest speaker, Danielle Carman, Deputy Director for the Southern Coalition for Social Justice. Space is limited, so RSVP today! -
Happy Hour at Scholars
5:30PM - 7:30PM Wed 31 May 2017, Eastern timezone
Join us for a Boston-wide networking event including alumni and current students! -
Book Talk on History of HLS
5:30PM - 7:30PM Thu 11 May 2017, Eastern timezone
The Social Law Library in Boston warmly invites HLS alumni to attend a book talk and reception with Professors Daniel R. Coquillette and Bruce A. Kimball, authors of "On the Battlefield of Merit - Harvard Law School, The First Century" -
HLS Alumni/Summer Associate Mentorship Lunches 2017
12:00AM Fri 28 Apr 2017 - 11:59PM Fri 19 May 2017, Eastern timezone
The HLSA of Massachusetts is coordinating one-on-one mentorship lunches for alumni and HLS students working in Boston this summer. -
Volunteer to Judge the HLS 1L Ames Competition Alongside Fellow Alumni!
6:00PM Mon 3 Apr 2017 - 6:00PM Thu 6 Apr 2017, Eastern timezone
In coordination with the HLS Board of Student Advisors, we invite you to serve as a judge for the 2017 Harvard Law School 1L Ames Moot Court Program -
Judges' Reception
5:30PM - 7:30PM Wed 15 Mar 2017, Eastern timezone
Please join us for a cocktail reception and conversation with Judge Nancy Gertner (ret.) and Judge Robert J. Cordy (ret.), reflecting on what role the judiciary can play in the Trump era. -
Men as Gender Allies - Speaker Panel and Reception
FEATURED4:45PM - 7:30PM Wed 8 Feb 2017, Eastern timezone
Happy Hour - Tuesday, November 15th at Scholars
5:30PM - 7:30PM Tue 15 Nov 2016, Eastern timezone
Join us for a post-election happy hour with a lively discussion to be kicked off by our very own HLSA-MA President, Barry White '67! Appetizers will be provided. Cash bar will be available. -
Happy Hour at Scholars
5:30PM - 7:30PM Wed 13 Jul 2016, Eastern timezone
All HLS alumni and HLS students working in the Boston area this summer are welcome to join us for a happy hour after work! Come out and enjoy an evening of good company downtown. Appetizers will be provided. Cash bar will be available. -
Day of Service: Franklin Park Beautification
10:00AM - 1:00PM Sat 18 Jun 2016, Eastern timezone
Saturday June 18, 2016 - 10 AM to 1 PM -
HLS Alumni/Summer Associate Mentorship Lunches
12:00AM Wed 8 Jun 2016 - 12:00AM Thu 11 Aug 2016, Eastern timezone
The HLSA of Massachusetts is sponsoring one-on-one mentorship lunches for alumni and HLS students working in Boston this summer. -
Career Development and Networking Panel
12:00PM - 2:00PM Wed 18 May 2016, Eastern timezone
Mix and mingle with a panel of distinguished alumni at a brown bag lunch. Douglas Brooks, Quentin Palfrey, Lori Silver, and Jane Willis will each share their unique career paths before coming down off the podium for more interactive discussion. -
A Conversation with Juliette Kayyem '95
5:30PM - 8:00PM Thu 12 May 2016, Eastern timezone
Please join us for a cocktail reception and conversation with Juliette Kayyem '95, an expert on America's Homeland Security and served as Assistant Secretary of Homeland Security in the Obama administration. -
Happy Hour at Scholars
5:30PM - 7:30PM Wed 9 Mar 2016, Eastern timezone
All HLS alumni are welcome to join us for a happy hour after work! Come out and enjoy an evening of good company downtown. Appetizers will be provided. Cash bar will be available. -
New Year Kickoff Reception
5:00PM - 7:00PM Wed 27 Jan 2016, Eastern timezone
Celebrate the New Year with a kickoff reception and conversation to launch the revitalized HLSA of Massachusetts! The cocktail reception will begin at 5:00 p.m. with complimentary hors d'oeuvres and refreshments. -
HLSA of MA Organizational Meeting
8:00AM - 10:00AM Fri 13 Nov 2015, Eastern timezone
Join fellow alumni for breakfast and a discussion about the revitalization efforts of the HLSA of MA.