AI and the Practice of Law: Current Issues and Future Implications

Thursday, February 27, 2025
4:30 PM EST

Virtual: Zoom link to be provided in confirmation email after registering for this free event 


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Please join us for a panel featuring Bill Lee (Partner at WilmerHale and Ele Goldston Visiting Lecturer on Law at Harvard Law School); Louis Tompros (Partner at WilmerHale and Lecturer on Law at Harvard Law School); Arianna Evers (Partner at WilmerHale). 

Join us for an informative and timely panel discussion featuring HLS Lecturers on Law and partners at WilmerHale, who will explore how AI is changing the practice of law. The panel will provide an overview of the legal and business risks facing attorneys as they navigate the increased use of AI  as well as an explanation of the current regulatory landscape. The panel will also discuss how they are seeing AI being used to deliver legal services to clients, the ethical issues that can arise for attorneys when implementing new technologies, and practical guidance for navigating the adoption of AI while the law, ethics, and norms are still racing to catch up. 


  • Bill Lee
    Partner at WilmerHale and Ele Goldston Visiting Lecturer on Law at Harvard Law School

  • Louis Tompros
    Partner at WilmerHale and Lecturer on Law at Harvard Law School

  • Arianna Evers
    Partner at WilmerHale



Event Information


4:30PM Thu 27 Feb 2025, Eastern timezone

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HLSA of Massachusetts